Friday, February 15, 2013

February 10, 2013 Birdhouses

Decatur, cold and raining, but the daffodils are blooming.  When I left my house, the fly catcher flew out from the eaves where she builds her house every year in the spring.  Every year she changes the side and starts her nest again.
I went on a walk with Ryan and Mathew.  Mathew and I each had a leash on Boofa.  "Do you want to go to the library?" Ryan asked Mathew.
Low and behold on the side of the residential street, there was a little house on a  post, painted a bright yellow with little flowers stenciled on it, only a little bigger than a bird house.  Open the door and inside were two shelves of books:  for adults and also for children.
The honor system applies to this book birdhouse.  You can take a book.  You can bring it back.  You can add another book.
They pointed out another book birdhouse on Ponce de Leon in front of the Dancing Goat Coffee House.

After our walk, we went to Martin's gig with his band, "Neon Blank" at Shorty's Pizza.  It was the first time in my life, I was able to say, "I'm with the band."

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