Today was Zach's fifth birthday. He had a party at Melrose Park in which all his friends, brother and cousins were dressed as superheros and ran wildly all over the place having a great time. When I got home I walked the Cottonwood Trail in the early evening. The water in the wetlands is an avocado green with algae now. The Blue Flags are no longer blooming, but there are bunches of Pickerel Weed of perhaps three feet in circumference and a height of 2 to 3 feet blooming fantastically. "Weed" seems like a strange name for this large beautiful aquatic plant which has big thick dark green pointed leaves extending upward and spires of 6 to 8 inches covered with tiny purple blossoms. It is said the seeds are edible and animals like them, if they can get to them.
"pointederia cordata", it's latin name, is much more fitting.
A man asks me if I have seen the Palmetto Palm near where the trail goes under a bridge. I have not and when I looked for it, I did not see it. He said he was making a study of the different types of Palmetto Palms (The SC State Tree). There are mulberries fallen on the path. And later in a sunny spot, a mimosa in full bloom and full lovely aroma, reaches toward the path.
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