Tuesday, January 1, 2013

December 31, 2012 Auld Lang Syne

I met a man walking the trail bravely with a cane in each hand, moving along slowly but with determination.
We talked.  I said, "I do Tai Chi, before I walk".
He said, "On my left side, I have rods and pins.  I was in a bad car wreck in 2010.  That side doesn't hurt.
It's the other side, my right side, and the arthritis in it."
We said that the years were numbering up.
"You know what that means", he said.
"What does it mean?" I said.
"We're going to leave here." he said.
"But not yet," I said.
"Not yet", he said.

"We twa hae run about the braes
and pu'd the gowans fine
But we've wander'd mony a weary fit
sin auld lang syne."

Homeward bound, I drove over the Lawson's Fork and there below me in the pooled water before the spillway, was the black duck, the white duck and four or five white speckled ducklings paddling along behind them.

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