Deepdene Park is the largest of five parks of the Olmstead Linear Parks greenway in DeKalb County, GA.
The four other parks are pastoral. This one is true to its name, Deepdene which means a deep narrow wooded valley of a small river. There is not actually a river, but winding streams with granite bridges wind through it. Deepdene is also the name of a famous diamond. The neighborhood of Druid Hills (where Driving Ms Daisy was filmed) borders the park on one side. The CDC is nearby.
Frederick Law Olmstead designed the Linear Parks in 1893. He believed that emersion in our beautiful natural environments is essential to our mental health, from the cares and worries of daily life to serious mental disorders, that healing is found here.
Eleanor, Ryan, Mathew and I walked here after dinner. Mathew had Foofa on the leash. We saw the tallest tree in the park, a 181 ft. tulip poplar. We saw a white poodle and a Corgy and a 7 month old Springer Spaniel.
There are 295 acres in Deepdene park.
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