Some Native American Tribes have heron clans, the Great Blue Heron of the Menominee is called Saqsakaew. The heron is believed to embody patience and wisdom.
It is a cool, clear day in the wetlands. From the boardwalk, I stop and turn to the right. Out of the corner of my eye, I have perceived a movement or a branch that is not a branch. Great Blue is standing on a log in the water. He doesn't mind if I am there. I stand silently watching. Suddenly he dives into the water and comes up with a 6 inch long fish in his beak, which he swallows whole. For a while he returns to the log but then wades off into the water again, this time plunging for another small fish. Certain in his stillness and swift in his dive, his aim is on target and he swallows his fish.
The Iroquois believe that Great Blue is a sign of luck. A sighting of the heron foretells a bountiful fishing journey.
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